Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter Vacation (Fuyu Yasumi)

I'm just gonna sum it up like this- yokatta! This versatile word literally means 'it was good.' But if I had to make a short sentence in Japanese to describe my winter vacation I'd probably say 'boku no fuyuyasumi wa totemo tanoshikatta yo' or 'I really enjoyed my winter vacation, yo'. To start with, I wasn't alone in my apartment all day on Christmas. I took the bullet train (shinkansen) that day and met up with my relative in Yokohama. Overall, I spent 11 days in and around Tokyo and was able to met up with my Japanese relatives and American girlfriend, who I hadn't seen for 4 months. We went lots of new places, saw lots of new things and ate a lot of good food; every single day was full and enriching.

Please check out the pictures above if you haven't already.

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